Becoming Highly-Confident (Socially and Around Women) – Here’s What Really Makes a Difference:

A low level of self-confidence makes women run away.

It also encourages men to disrespect you.

Women associate a lack of self-confidence with low social status (i.e. NOT the kind of man they’d like to hook up with).

And men associate a lack of self-confidence with fragility and a lack of virility.

Maybe, like a lot of guys, you too lack social ease in some situations, be it with women or with people in general.

You might even not be aware of it (we’re going to do a little test below so that you can find out).

What you must understand is that people can easily tell when someone lacks self-confidence.

In the same way dogs can smell fear, people can smell low self-confidence.

Sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously.

Men feel it, but also—and especially—women.

Unfortunately, most guys lack self-confidence to a greater or lesser degree.

They lack social ease.

They lack social fluidity.

And this prevents them from living a quality social life and attracting the women they want.

Maybe you have a date coming with a girl you like.

Now, if you lack self-confidence and she feels this a bit too much, you’re likely to lose her interest.

Let’s do a little test right now:

How many of the following points sound familiar to you?

  • You often wonder what people think of you.
  • You tend to get nervous before a date with a girl.
  • You often feel awkward in social interactions (especially with strangers, and even more so with women).
  • You don’t dare being forward with women for fear of rushing things.
  • You’re often afraid to say something stupid or something that might make you come off as a low-value guy.

If you’ve experienced two or more of these points, it means that you lack self-confidence to a greater or lesser degree.

This lack of self-confidence causes you to miss a lot of opportunities.

But don’t worry: you’re not alone.

A lot of guys are faced with self-confidence issues.

But here is the thing:

Do you want to remain at the same level as all those guys who lack self-confidence?

Do you want to keep feeling this lack of social ease for the rest of your life?

Do you want to fuck up your next interactions, dates, and relationships because of a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem?

The good news is that low self-confidence can be solved.

However, doing nothing won’t improve your self-confidence.

Waiting won’t make things change.

On the contrary, waiting can actually make things worse.

By waiting, you get weaker. You soften in your comfort zone.

Over time, your comfort zone shrinks, slowly but surely.

And you’ll feel less and less confident, less and less at ease

If you don’t do what’s necessary to empower yourself and take charge of your life, things can’t change.

If you don’t do what must be done to advance towards where you want to go, you’re likely to drift off to a place you don’t want to be.

Many guys remain idle and don’t try to change anything because they believe that confidence is something you’re born with.

A lot of guys view self-confidence as something innate.

Or they view it at something only a few men can develop.

They impose some barriers upon themselves, which they justify by using some of their flaws of weaknesses (which may be physical flaws or psychological flaws).

And since they persuade themselves that social ease is only possible for a tiny amount of people, they don’t even try.

Or they try using the wrong approach, fail, and get discouraged.

They then come up with complex rationalizations as to why they can’t become really confident and succeed in the fields they wish to (and we’re often pretty smart at finding such excuses).

But there’s more…

In order to build their self-confidence, some guys convince themselves that they have to fail.

They convince themselves that they have to go from failure to failure. That in order to become confident, failure is a necessary step, that it is mandatory.

They convince themselves that failure is what’s going to make them confident.

Don’t get me wrong: this point of view is way better than seeing things as being frozen in time and unalterable. But there’s something wrong with this second point of view.

There is something wrong in viewing failure as THE means to become confident and successful.

Because it’s NOT failure in itself that makes you confident.

It is not by failing that you develop your skills and self-esteem.

It is not by failing that you learn how to succeed.

Training to fail will only make you better at…failing.

It is only through success that you learn how to succeed.

It’s by experiencing success that you get better.

Remember this:

It is by experiencing success that you’ll become more and more confident.

It’s when you manage to do something that your mind takes note of how you succeeded in such a way as to make you able to replicate this success in the future.

And by multiplying these successes, you’ll give your brain more data that it can use to replicate those successes again and again.

How do you think a basketball player learns how to make shots?

Not by training to fail.

But by training to score points.

It’s by multiplying successes that he programs his subconscious as to be able to succeed effortlessly without having to think about it, just by using his nervous memory.

The same goes with a golfer, a soccer player, a professional shooter, and on and on.

It’s by training to score points and analyzing how he scored those points that he becomes more and more able to score points in the future and become highly confident in his field.

So what you really need is not going from failure to failure.

Failure is often part of the game, and you’ll fail from time to time, but it is not failure that will make your self-confidence grow.

What you really need is to go from success to success.

Because it is by going from success to success that you’ll allow your unconscious to replicate these successes, and thus become confident, besides making you more competent.

Guys who seem to have an innate self-confidence are often guys who had the chance in their early childhood to experience repeated successes.

Each time you experience success, your brain records what made this success possible, so that you can reproduce it in the future.

And this applies to everything:

Sport, musical instruments, craftsmanship, social interactions, and so on.

It’s by successfully approaching a woman that you become more confident when it comes to approaching women. NOT by multiplying failures, although you can’t totally avoid them.

It’s by experiencing positive interactions with people that you become confident in interacting with others. Not by multiplying failures, although again, you can’t totally avoid them.

Now, experiencing success can be done in several ways.

You can achieve this quickly, but you can also achieve this by spending a huge amount of time.

In order to build up your self-confidence fast (and not spend years doing it), you must use the right method.

You must accumulate successes in the quickest and most effective way.

Because if you’re not able to accumulate successful experiences fast, you run the risk of spending an eternity doing it (and thus getting discouraged and giving up)

But if you don’t know where to start and how to proceed, it can be tricky.

This is the reason why I’ve decided to create a complete training course on this matter, in which you’re going to learn the exact methodology to follow.

What you’re going to learn in this training course is based on my coaching experience of the last few years and on psychological studies.

The first part of the course focuses on social ease.

The second part focuses on self-confidence with women.

And the third part focuses on the exact methodology to become highly confident in any field that you wish (you can view this part as a kind of framework).

As soon as tonight, after performing the first exercises in the course, you’ll already feel more powerful.

You’ll have the feeling that you’re on the right track.

You’ll see yourself advancing in the right direction, and this will motivate you to intensify your efforts.

Thanks to a little exercise that will take you just a few minutes, you’re going to feel more socially confident without even getting out of your home.

You’ll see improvement as soon as your next interaction with a girl (tonight, for instance, or tomorrow).

Over the course of the following days, as you implement the actions and advice I’m going to give you, your self-confidence and social fluidity will improve drastically (especially with women).

This will lead you to develop natural self-confidence.

Because the parameters that will have led to all those successes will be ingrained in your mind.

You’ll be able to replicate those successes effortlessly, without conscious thinking.

You’ll do all this unconsciously and instinctively.

People—and especially women—will be drawn to you.

You’ll be able to meet new people easily and naturally, without getting nervous or acting awkward.

You’ll be able to naturally connect with others.

People will want to be at your side and part of your life.

And in the end, you’ll feel much freer.

You’ll feel much more powerful.

However, this isn’t for everyone.

You’ve got to be ready to try a new approach.

You’ve got to be ready to try things that could seem strange at first.

You have to take the time to do some exercises (about 10-15 minutes per day).

And you must be committed and consistent.

Here’s what you’re going to learn in this program:

? The exact methodology to become highly confident (QUICKLY) by focusing on SUCCESSES (and not failures)…

? How to put yourself in the best possible conditions to become socially confident (5 KEY POINTS)…

? A fundamental principle to build up your self-confidence CONTINUOUSLY (this applies to any field but is especially useful for becoming highly confident around women and people in general)…

? 6 RULES you must follow to strengthen your social fluidity, DAY AFTER DAY (these rules will allow you to take action more easily and benefit as much as you can from each of your successes)…

? 2 EXERCISES to do daily (you can do them at home) to psychologically condition yourself into being at ease socially (doing these exercises every day will drastically increase your self-confidence in the long run, WITHOUT even having to interact with other people)…

? 15 HABITS you must adopt to become super-confident around people in the shortest amount of time as possible (we dissect each of these habits together)…

? 2 clever ways to keep a conversation rolling when you have NOTHING to say (training yourself to do this will strengthen your social fluidity)…

? How to ACCUMULATE SUCCESSES FAST (socially and with women) so as to strengthen your social ease as quickly as you can (rather than progressing slowly by accumulating an overwhelming amount of failures)…

? How to challenge yourself every day to strengthen your confidence CONTINUOUSLY (this will help you get on the move when in doubt or when lacking motivation)…

? A psychological hack you can use to WARM UP (in just 2 or 3 seconds) before approaching a stranger (an attractive girl on the street, for instance)… The goal of this psychological hack is to put yourself in the right mental state before you make your approach…

? The REVERSED INTEREST STRATEGY™, which allows you to be seen as an interesting, solid, and confident guy when you interact with people (you’ll probably find this strategy a bit strange, but it is one of the most effective ways to achieve great results)…

? 6 CONVERSATION TOPICS that allow you to CONNECT with people (and thus experience interactions that will get your social fluidity to grow)…

? 5 TRAPS to avoid when it comes to becoming confident around women (avoiding those traps will ensure that you don’t spend a lifetime trying to become successful with women)…

? The basis of male-female attraction: what you MUST do to turn on and attract a girl (this is the most important thing to understand when it comes to sexually arousing a woman)…

? What REALLY matters when becoming highly confident around WOMEN (this is what you must focus on)

? A SENTENCE to have in mind when you interact with a woman that you want get to chase you (and to feel powerful and confident when interacting with her)… It might sound a little crazy, but it works (you must experience it to understand)…

? 2 KEY EXERCISES to do every day to grow your confidence with women

? 8 INSIGHTS that will change the way you view your interactions with women (it will open your eyes and motivate you to take action)…

? How to deal with rejection…and take it well (that is to say in a way that will strengthen your self-confidence rather than harm it)…

? An iterative process to strengthen your confidence around women by jumping from success to success (there will be some failures, but not that many)…

? The EXACT FRAMEWORK to follow if you want to develop your confidence in a field that matters to you (in this part, we’re going to go beyond confidence around women and social ease: you’re going to learn how you can improve yourself quickly in the areas that are important to you)…

? The secret to solid and unshakable self-confidence (PLUS something that’s even more important than self-confidence)

? The RAMP METHOD™, which allows you to easily initiate an action (being able to take action on a consistent basis is what makes the difference between guys that get results and those that don’t)…

As soon as tonight, after performing the first exercises in the course, you’ll already feel more powerful.

You’ll have the feeling that you’re on the right track.

You’ll see yourself advancing in the right direction, and this will motivate you to intensify your efforts.

Thanks to a little exercise that will take you just a few minutes, you’re going to feel more socially confident without even getting out of your home.

You’ll see improvement as soon as your next interaction with a girl (tonight, for instance, or tomorrow).

Over the course of the following days, as you implement the actions and advice I’m going to give you, your self-confidence and social fluidity will improve drastically (especially with women).

This will lead you to develop natural self-confidence.

Because the parameters that will have led to all those successes will be ingrained in your mind.

You’ll be able to replicate those successes effortlessly, without conscious thinking.

You’ll do all this unconsciously and instinctively.

People—and especially women—will be drawn to you.

You’ll be able to meet new people easily and naturally, without getting nervous or acting awkward.

You’ll be able to naturally connect with others.

People will want to be at your side and part of your life.

And in the end, you’ll feel much freer.

You’ll feel much more powerful.

However, this isn’t for everyone.

You’ve got to be ready to try a new approach. You’ve got to be ready to try things that could seem strange at first.

You have to take the time to do some exercises (about 10-15 minutes per day).

And you must be committed and consistent.


Every man can become highly confident because he just needs to know how to accumulate successes as fast as possible to condition his unconscious to replicate them automatically.

Only, as you might guess, if you don’t try these things now, you’ll probably never try them.

It’ll be pushed into the background like all those things you planned to do but never did (and unfortunately will never do) as a result of being continuously left for tomorrow.

So, if you’re interested, it is now that you must try this stuff.

It is now that you must take action, as long as you are motivated.

You can download the entire training course right now, watch it from the comfort of your home, and take action today.

Now, imagine:

From the moment you stop having all those apprehensions and psychological blocks that prevent you from feeling attractive and powerful in the fields that matter to you (and especially in your interactions with people and women)…

From the moment you feel highly confident with women and people…

How will your life be different?

What will you feel inside?

How will you behave with people? And with women?

Instead of feeling inhibited, how will you feel?

What changes will it bring in your everyday life?

And in your entourage?

And with the women you meet?

And in the workplace (or university)?

Those questions are yours to answer.

But either way, no matter the field in which you want to improve your self-confidence (and especially if you want to improve your social life and your love life), you might want to take a look at this.


