COMMAND RESPECT INSTANTLY: How to Be Seen as a Strong and Powerful Man (Starting Today)
Before seeking to attract women, you should first seek to attract men.
Because above all, women want to be with guys with whom men want to be.
The man who has only female friends is suspect.
Girls tell themselves that something must be wrong with him.
They don’t trust him.
And this prevents them from being really attracted to him.
Before seeking to be admired by women, you must first seek to be admired by men.
You must be a man that men respect.
When you’re a man that naturally commands respect, you’re far better off, both with other men and then with women: directly and indirectly.
And today, we’re going to see precisely how you can command respect.
You’re going to learn how you can adopt a mindset and an attitude that get others to respect you.
Without really changing your personality or who you are.
Because here, we’re going to work on your attitude.
We’re going to work on your aura.
We’re going to work on your ability to make others feel who is the boss (all this without coming off as a tyrant or as a guy who’s trying to crush others).
However, what we’re going to see today isn’t for everyone:
It requires a certain mindset and vision.
To determine if this is for you, keep reading (we’ll get back to this a little bit below).
Maybe, like a lot of guys, you’re getting pushed around sometimes (a bit too often, actually)…
It can be in the workplace, at college or university, in your social circle, or during the various events or activities you take part in…
Maybe you have the feeling that people don’t take you seriously, or at least not seriously enough.
This tends to handicap you in your social interactions, be it with men or women.
You have some real qualities, but it doesn’t seem to make much difference.
You feel like you deserve more consideration and it makes you even more confused and frustrated when you see guys that are much less deserving being respected and admired by others.
Maybe you view their success as undeserved, especially when they have done nothing that justifies it…
You find it unfair that other men respect them and women chase them when they really have nothing more than you…
If that’s what you’re feeling, I have good news for you:
You’re not an isolated case.
A lot of guys—most guys actually—can relate to this.
The bad news (for them) is that they will remain there.
Because they’ll do nothing to change things.
And on one side, we can’t really blame them:
Most of them aren’t aware that they can change things.
And they are even less aware that they can change things almost overnight.
And unfortunately, most of them will never look for ways to change their situation.
They won’t even try to determine whether it’s possible.
And it’s a pity.
Because honestly, how things will play out if your life goes on like this?
How do you think your situation can change if you keep doing the same things?
How can the perception people have of you change if you don’t adjust the way you deal with them?
And what will be the consequences in the medium and long term?
If people can’t estimate you at your fair value, what opportunities will you miss?
Be it in your social circle, in your professional life, in your sexual and love life…
What will be the consequences of having been pushed into the background all those years?
Now let me reassure you:
You won’t be alone.
But is this a reason for staying idle?
Is it a reason for not seeking to make the small adjustments that get people to respect us (instead of walking all over us or ignoring us)?
Is it a reason for not seeking to make the small changes that get people to see you as a strong and powerful man (instead of not taking you seriously at all)?
In an attempt to be respected, most men focus on things that don’t really matter.
They spend time, energy, and money on things that don’t play a key role, and which sometimes change absolutely nothing.
Let’s review these things right now.
These aspects of your life are important, but they’re not decisive when it comes to commanding respect.
They’re not enough to make a real difference.
The first thing on which men focus in order to be respected is…
• Clothing:
Many men spend a lot of time working on their clothing in the hope of being more respected.
Working on your look is fine, it’s even an excellent thing (at least until you find some clothes that fit you, since after that point it becomes a waste of time).
A solid and masculine dressing style helps you convey a high social status.
For this reason, I recommend you get it right.
But it guarantees NOTHING in terms of respect.
It’s NOT decisive.
You can very well have a solid and masculine clothing style without inspiring respect.
You can very well have a solid and masculine clothing style and be constantly pushed around.
And conversely, you can command respect with an inferior clothing style.
Because it’s not a determining factor.
Every day, I come across very well-dressed guys that don’t command respect and are constantly pushed around by others.
And conversely, every day I come across guys whose clothing isn’t very good and yet who command respect and are taken seriously.
Now, don’t get me wrong: clothing matters. It helps a lot. It’s a plus. So make sure to dress properly.
That being said, let’s move on…
• Muscles:
Many guys lift weights for the sole purpose of being more respected.
And to be honest, this is more effective than clothing.
I recommend all my guys to gain muscle, if only to have more strength.
But like clothing, it is NOT a determining factor when it comes to commanding respect.
There are some beefed-up guys who get constantly walked all over.
And conversely, there are some more or less skinny guys who inspire respect and are taken into consideration by others.
Thus, just like your clothing, your musculature isn’t a determining factor.
It helps, but that’s not what is really going to make the difference.
Let’s continue…
• A skill:
Some guys decide to develop a skill thoroughly just in the hope of being respected by others.
And like for the rest, it can help, especially for gaining respect in the corresponding field of activity (but honestly, it kind of sucks to do that just to be more respected, especially as your results will be pretty restricted).
Like clothing and physique, it helps: I encourage you to develop your skills as much as possible, but you must do it first and foremost for yourself, to improve yourself as a man and gain influence.
But again, this is NOT what will really make people respect you (at least not directly, and often in a limited way).
Let’s continue…
• Money:
Sure, if you’re a bum, you’ll have a harder time commanding respect.
But becoming rich won’t really get people to respect you (except in certain contexts and environments, and even then).
It helps, but like your clothing, it is NOT a determining factor.
There are some guys who’ve got plenty of money and that aren’t taken into consideration at all by others.
And conversely, there are some guys with very little means who inspire respect and that people take seriously.
So money is far from being something decisive when it comes to commanding respect.
That being said, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t strive to get richer.
I encourage all my readers and subscribers to earn a lot of money.
Because the more money you have, the more freedom you have and the bigger the impact you can have on the world.
But again, it’s not what will really get people to respect you.
I could expand the list, but I’m going to stop there.
All this is to say that:
Most guys seek respect in the wrong things.
They spend a lot of time, energy, and money on things that are supposed to make them respected, but in vain.
This may be what you’re doing, too.
Maybe you spend a lot of resources (sometimes without even being aware of it) on stuff meant to make you more respected, and you’re slowly realizing that this doesn’t yield the results you want.
To command respect, what you really need isn’t to work on all those things…
To command respect, what you really need is to work on how you make others feel.
It’s working on what other people feel in your presence.
And this is done by your attitude.
It’s through your attitude that you’re going to directly get people to respect you.
You won’t have to wait months or years to master a skill, to become rich, or to have a strong and muscular body.
You can be respected and taken more seriously RIGHT AWAY.
You can command respect by pulling certain levers that are going to get people to sense that you are the kind of guy that other people respect.
You can do it by behaving in a very specific way that is going to get people to immediately feel that you are a strong and powerful man.
In your opinion, why do some guys with few skills, little means, and who are not physically imposing and/or dressed very well manage to naturally command respect?
Precisely through their attitude.
The key to commanding respect lies in adopting the right attitude, an attitude that makes people want to respect you.
Some guys know this intuitively, but despite this, they still find it hard to be respected and taken seriously…
It’s one thing to understand that attitude is what makes the difference, but quite another to adopt a behavior that allows you to really command respect.
When attempting to adopt an attitude that inspires respect, many guys come off as assholes or as guys who are trying to prove something.
Some even come off as clowns or dummies and lose all credibility as a result.
As you might suspect, it doesn’t inspire respect.
Most guys who try to adopt an attitude that commands respect miss some essential points that form the basis of an attitude that inspire respect.
There are some subtleties we cannot see if we’re not aware of certain things. However, these subtleties sometimes make all the difference.
There are also some actions and ways of being that are the backbone of such an attitude, but which seem strange and counter-intuitive that everyone misses them.
This all means that you can easily adopt the wrong attitude and get the opposite effect as the one intended.
That being said, it is also possible to do pretty well, but then it gets a bit random…
That’s why I decided to create an extensive training course in which we’re going to break down the attitude you must adopt to command respect naturally (and instantly) together.
You’re going to discover the key mechanisms that will get people to see you as a strong and powerful man.
What you’re going to learn in this training course comes directly from knowledge I’ve acquired over the last ten years, be it through practice, experimentation, readings, or research.
I synthesized everything you need in an effective system you can start using today.
I created this method in such a fashion that you can start seeing results right away:
Tonight—if you’re planning to go out—people will feel something different in you.
They’ll be drawn to your presence and your way of being.
And you’ll notice that they will naturally respect you.
You’ll feel much more powerful.
You’ll feel grounded.
Because before everything else, we’ll have worked on your internal state.
We’ll have made some small adjustments that will get people to feel in you a presence that they don’t feel in other people.
And when you’ll open your mouth to speak, you’ll reinforce this impression because you’ll have adjusted your verbal attitude in such a way as to command respect.
Not to mention the other adjustments you’ll have made.
Before the end of the week, you’ll have cemented all that.
You’ll have ingrained those little changes in you and you’ll already start behaving naturally in a way that inspires respect.
Ultimately, after a few months of practice, you’ll do all this without even thinking about it.
You’ll command respect easily and naturally.
You’ll have fully grasped how all this works.
It’ll almost feel like you have a superpower.
Men will be drawn to you and want to be at your side.
They will take you seriously, all the while having fun and enjoying their time with you.
As for women, they’ll be much more excited in your presence. You’ll naturally make them horny.
They’ll be attracted to this man you’ve become (even if you didn’t really change who you are).
It will allow you to attract them without effort.
And as you might guess, these changes will have a positive impact on all the areas of your life: social, professional, sentimental, and so forth.
However, as I said earlier in this post, this isn’t for everyone:
It’s not for those who want to command respect for the sole purpose or crushing others or satisfying their ego.
If your intentions are bad, this isn’t for you.
Now, if you are a rather kind and friendly guy, what we’re going to see together today will allow you to amplify who you really are.
It will allow you to receive the respect and the consideration you deserve.
Every guy can command respect through his attitude because all he needs to do is conduct some small adjustments and set up a few mechanisms that will get people to respect him, as they would respect any powerful and caring man.
Here’s what you’re going to learn:
? The EXACT MECHANISMS to be seen as a strong and powerful man (instantly) …
? The COMPLETE METHOD to HAVE A POWERFUL PRESENCE (this is the toolbox you need to develop a presence that inspires respect)… This adjustment of your internal state will allow you to adopt a non-verbal attitude that commands respect naturally (and easily)…
? 2 things you must NOT do if you want to be able to give off an aura that gets people to respect you…
? 5 IMMEDIATE WAYS to CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONAL STATE and thus be able to stay in control in a crisis or a conflict (this ability to control yourself will make people respect you much more)…
? The EMOTIONAL DISARMING PROTOCOL™, which allows you to defuse a negative emotion and break free of it in less than 30 seconds (this is a 6-step process)…
? A QUESTION to ask yourself when you feel negativity in order to quickly detach yourself from this negative emotion (it’s particularly useful during an argument or when something irritates you)…
? The HYPER-FOCALISATION TECHNIQUE™, which allows you to keep your calm (and even return to a state of serenity) in uncomfortable situations (it will get people to perceive you as a man who is able to remain calm in stressful moments)…
? A MOOD-BOOSTING TIP that allows you to improve your mood in less than 3 seconds and thus almost instantly reinforce your aura (you can use this tip whenever you want, before or even during an interaction)…
? A 3-STEP PROCESS to PROTECT YOURSELF from a loss of self-confidence when things get rough (it’s something we often forget to do but that can help a lot in certain situations)…
? THE FULL METHOD for commanding respect through your BODY LANGUAGE (we put it all on the table)…
? THE BASIS of body language that inspires respect (it’s the most important component, yet nobody talks about it)…
? 13 GESTURES INDICATIVE OF STRESS (and thus which make you look like a freaked-out and panicked guy which can be easily pushed around)…BONUS: I’ll explain to you in detail how you can make these gestures in a way that doesn’t make you look like a weak beta male (in case you can’t help doing them)…
? 2 GESTURES INDICATIVE OF SUBMISSION (and thus which prevent you from being respected)…
? 3 GESTURES AND POSTURES that make you look INSECURE (and thus which ruin your credibility)… One of these postures is going to surprise you in the sense that a lot of guys adopt it thinking that it makes them look confident and solid, when it’s the total opposite that happens…
? 7 non-verbal behaviors that make you look stressed or not in control (some of these behaviors are quite obvious, others much less so)…
? THE POSTURE that commands respect (and one simple tip to adopt it naturally and without any effort)…
? HOW TO POSITION YOUR FEET to be perceived like a strong and powerful man (and one practical benefit of this type of positioning)…
? What you can do to appear much more solid and powerful WHILE HAVING YOUR HANDS IN YOUR POCKETS (it’s something very specific that you must not confuse with another similar gesture that will make you look ridiculous, almost like a child)…
? 4 WAYS to POSITION YOUR HANDS in order to convey a high social status, and thus get people around you to naturally want to respect you…
? A RULE to follow in order to constantly convey a high degree of authority (this has to do with your movements)… It will help you for public speaking, during arguments, when dating a girl, and so on.
? Which body language you must adopt if you want to CONNECT easily with the person you’re speaking with… And the body language you must adopt if, on the contrary, you want to IMPOSE YOUR DOMINANCE…
? 3+1 key tips to WALK IN A WAY THAT COMMANDS RESPECT (it’s going to have a positive impact on your internal state by making you feel much more confident)…
? 3 FATAL MISTAKES regarding your FACIAL EXPRESSION (these mistakes can easily make you look like a fragile or effeminate guy)…
? How to adopt A GAZE THAT COMMANDS RESPECT (your gaze is the most critical component of your facial expression, hence the importance of sorting this out)…
? The 4 PROPERTIES of a HANDSHAKE THAT COMMANDS RESPECT (a poor handshake can make you look like a fragile guy, hence the importance of knowing how to do it the right way)…
? 2 little secrets to TALK in a DEEPER AND LOWER VOICE… Included: one simple exercise to find the right voice pitch…
? HOW TO FINISH YOUR SENTENCES in a way that makes you look much more powerful (it’s pretty simple, yet it changes everything)…
? The NASAL REGULATOR TECHNIQUE™, which allows you to talk at the right speed without having to think about it (it’s particularly useful if you find it hard to control your flow)… Talking at the right speed can change everything in the way others perceive you…
? 2 SIMPLE TIPS for talking at THE RIGHT VOLUME (essential for standing out)…
? 3 RULES to follow in order to make people feel that you’re the one IN CHARGE when you’re talking (but also when someone is talking to you)… These rules can make all the difference: breaking them will guarantee that you come off as a weak guy people don’t want to respect, and conversely, following them will confer an aura of a strong and powerful man who inspires respect…
? WHAT TO DO when SOMEONE INTERRUPTS YOU: here you must distinguish between two cases in order to determine how to react…
? 7 RULES OF CONDUCT to follow if you want people to genuinely respect you (and not only pretend respect you)…
? A KEY PRINCIPLE to BE RESPECTED AND FOLLOWED BY YOUR TEAM (in case you manage a team or that you have subordinates)…
? HOW TO HANDLE PROVOCATIONS in such a way as to be socially dominant… INCLUDED: a good example of what you can say to a guy who keeps provoking you to cool him down (you’ll be seen as a solid guy who has the ability to always remain in control)…
Tonight—if you’re planning to go out—people will feel something different in you.
They’ll be drawn to your presence and your way of being.
Before the end of the week, you’ll have cemented all that.
You’ll have ingrained those little changes in you and you’ll already start behaving naturally in a way that inspires respect.
Ultimately, after a few months of practice, you’ll do all this without even thinking about it.
You’ll command respect easily and naturally.
It’ll almost feel like you have a superpower.
Men will be drawn to you and want to be at your side.
They will take you seriously, all the while having fun and enjoying their time with you.
As for women, they’ll be much more excited in your presence. You’ll naturally make them horny.
They’ll be attracted to this man you’ve become (even if you didn’t really change who you are).
And as you might guess, these changes will have a positive impact on all the areas of your life: social, professional, sentimental, and so forth.
However, as I said earlier in this post, this isn’t for everyone:
It’s not for those who want to command respect for the sole purpose or crushing others or satisfying their ego.
If your intentions are bad, this isn’t for you.
Now, if you are a rather kind and friendly guy, what we’re going to see together today will allow you to amplify who you really are.
It will allow you to receive the respect and the consideration you deserve.
Again, every guy can command respect through his attitude because all he needs to do is conduct some small adjustments and set up a few mechanisms that will get people to respect him, as they would respect any powerful and caring man.
Only, as you might guess, if you don’t try these things now, you’ll probably never try them.
It’ll be pushed into the background like all those things you planned to do but never did (and unfortunately will never do) as a result of being continuously left for tomorrow.
So, if you’re interested, it is now that you must try this stuff.
It is now that you must take action, as long as you are motivated.
You can download the entire training course right now, watch it from the comfort of your home, and take action today.
Now, think of it:
How do you think others are going to look at you from the moment you’re going to put all this into practice?
How do you think others will interact with you from the moment you’ll have adjusted your attitude in such a way as to inspire respect?
What changes is it going to bring into your life?
What will it allow you to do?
What will it allow you to unlock?
How will it affect your interactions with other men?
And your relationships with women?
Don’t you think it’ll allow you to definitely move on and focus on what really matters to you?
It’s your job to answer these questions.
I don’t know how you’d like other people to perceive or interact with you, but what is certain is that it’s worth improving your skills in this field.