How to Compliment A Girl On Her Looks (Without Being Creepy)

If you want to know how to compliment a girl on her looks in a way that will make her horny, you’ve come to the right place.

genuine compliment on most beautiful smile

In this article, we’re going to see a list of compliments you can give to a woman to build sexual tension.

Compliments on looks are great to make her feel that you find her sexually attractive.

But as you can imagine, it is crucial that you give your compliment in the right way.

That is, to say, in a way that is not weird or needy.

And to this end, there is something you must understand:

You may very well have the best compliment in the world (assuming that such a compliment actually exists), but if you deliver it the wrong way, this compliment will have the opposite effect on girls.

That’s why, before diving into the list of compliments you can give to a woman to turn her on, I must address a (big) trap to avoid…

How to compliment a girl on her looks: are you making this fatal mistake?

If you wonder how to compliment a girl physically, you must be aware of that mistake…in order to avoid it.

Here it is:

When most men compliment a woman, they do it in a supplicating way (a lot of them aren’t even aware of this).

It looks like they’re complimenting her just to make her like them, or to be accepted by her.

A bit like the star pupil who wants to be well-regarded by the teachers and who pushes himself very hard to participate in class.

Except that here, the context is different.

The goal here is not to get a good grade.

compliments for her beauty: truly strong woman nice butt

The girl you’re interacting with is not your teacher, and you’re not her pupil.

And if you give her that impression, you’ll just look extremely needy.

You’ll look submissive.

You’ll look like a guy who is in need of affection and who is ready to do anything in order to gain acceptance.

And at that point, she’ll just be disgusted.

It’ll feel weird.

How to tell a girl she looks good in a way that turns her on:

When you give a compliment to a woman, you must NOT deliver it in such a way that makes you look like you’re waiting for an answer from her.

Because it will make you look needy.

It will make you look like you’re waiting for her validation.

As if you were waiting for her to say “Thank you” or “Oh, it’s so nice.”

You will look like a guy who wants to be liked at all cost, or like a guy who wants to flatter her in every way you can.

And as you can guess, it is a pretty weak way to make a compliment.

Not worthy of a strong, masculine man like you.

➡️ If you haven’t done so yet: take a look at this article in which I show you how you can master women in a way that will turn them on.

In other words, how to dominate women to make them wet with desire.

And NOT just in bed: you’re going to implement these small actions in other contexts and environments, be it after an approach, on a date, at a party, in your everyday life with your girlfriend or wife (or with your ex), and more… so that the woman you like sees you as a powerful dominant male who is able to satisfy her deepest desires and take her to seventh heaven.

...which is what is going to make her want to sleep with you…and even chase you.

When giving a compliment to a girl, don’t expect anything from her.

Don’t do it in a supplicating way.

Do not wait for an answer from her.

More specifically, don’t let your voice go up in pitch at the end of the compliment.

Your voice shouldn’t go high at the end of your sentence.

In other words, you must not sound like you’re asking a question.

Instead of that, deliver your compliment in an assertive tone.

You say what you think.

You speak your mind.

That’s all.

beautiful girl paying attention to cute compliments

And you shouldn’t give a sh** about what the girl is going to think about it.

Don’t make your compliment with the goofy smile of the guy who wants to make a good impression at all costs.

Deliver it in a more profound and solid way.

And don’t dwell on it.

Continue the conversation like it’s nothing.

? The safest and simplest way to do it is to deliver your compliment as if you were making it to a friend (great if you don’t really feel like making a compliment to a woman)…

As if you were making it to a relative you weren’t looking to turn on.

Like it’s just an observation.

You say it with sincerity, without waiting for an answer.

You speak your mind, period.

If you tell her that you like her sweater and she tells you that she doesn’t like it (very unlikely, though), you don’t change your opinion about it.

You said you liked it, period.

Whether or not she agrees with you isn’t important.

extremely cute girl special cup great taste

And as you can guess, this way of doing is a very manly and powerful way to give a compliment.

Women find this extremely attractive, even if they won’t admit it.

And not just women, by the way…

No matter the person to whom you’re making a compliment, you shouldn’t do it in order to please them, but just in order to share your thoughts and express yourself.

? You can also make a compliment in a more sexual way by leaving a pause after delivering it while looking the girl deeply into her eyes…

When you compliment a girl in this way, the key is to deliver your compliment with a deep and smooth voice.

The girl should feel that you’re in control.

She should feel that the vibe between you is sexually charged.

She should feel the sexual tension between you.

The perfect moment to compliment a girl this way is during a date when sitting next to each other (or face to face). For instance, just before going for the kiss (by the way, check out this article on how to understand that a girl is into you…and probably longing for the kiss).

See also: How To Please A Woman Sexually

complimenting a person you're romantically interested in


Now that we’re clear on the right way to deliver a compliment to a woman, let’s dive into the compliments per se…

9 great compliments (on looks) to turn a woman on

To make sure you understand what makes these compliments so effective, you must first and foremost understand what the purpose of a compliment is.

The role of your compliment should be first and foremost to turn the woman you’re interacting with on.

Read: How To Turn A Girl On

The role of a compliment is to create sexual tension.

The purpose of your compliment is to make her understand that something is going on between you and her.

It’s to make her imagine a romance or a relationship with you.

In other words, to make her see you as more than just a friend.

And to this end, your compliments shouldn’t be compliments that you can give to anyone.

compliments women can't resist

They shouldn’t be compliments that you can give to your grandma or to your best buddy.

The compliments you make to a woman that you want to make horny must be arousing and sexually stimulating.

They must be sexually suggestive.

They must make the girl feel that you find her sexually attractive.

And to compliment a girl in such a way, you can use compliments such as the ones below.

Let’s start right now with the first compliment of the list:

1. “You have beautiful legs.” Afterwards, you can add “Do you work out?” (if you don’t feel like making such a compliment on its own, following it up with this question allows you to more easily turn her on).

This compliment may appear bold to you, and that’s precisely what makes it so powerful.

You express your sexual interest in a straightforward—yet socially calibrated—way.

And since you’re doing it in a dominant way—as well as with a low investment level—it is usually very well received.

The girl feels that she is sexually desired, and it makes her horny.

best compliments for a girl over textSome “coaches” or “experts” will tell you to never compliment a woman on her physical appearance.

They are wrong.

They are afraid of making this kind of compliment because they don’t understand how to compliment a woman with the right energy, in a solid way, and without sounding like a weird or needy guy.

As a result, they resort to generic and wishy-washy compliments that have little to no effect.

When you know how to deliver your compliment with the right energy, you can afford to make the kind of compliments listed here.

Because the success of your compliment lies in how you say it.

It also lies in how you interact with the girl the rest of the time.

If you are a normal, clean-cut, well-behaved guy, then making a bold compliment to a woman won’t push her away. Quite the contrary.

2. “You have sensual lips.”/”I like your lips.”

Lips are a sensual and erogenous zone, which makes it a great body part to compliment a woman on.

Complimenting a woman on this part of her face is an effective way to build sexual tension with her.

3. “You have a sensual neck.”

The neck is a very erogenous zone where women love to be kissed.

Complimenting a woman on this body part is an effective way to make her think about sex and thus to turn her on.

Related: How To Get Out Of The Friendzone

interesting thing beautiful face

4. “You’ve got lovely skin.” Then you can add “It makes me want to caress it.”

A less bold and by extension less arousing compliment than the previous ones, but which allows you to build some sexual tension, especially when following it up with “It makes me want to caress it.

5. “I like your shirt, I find it very sexy.”

Complimenting a girl on her clothes while mentioning that they make her look sexy (and thus desirable and sexually attractive) is an effective way to make her feel desired.

This makes it an effective way to create sexual tension.

6. “I like your dress, you look pretty hot in it.”


7. “I like your jeans, you look pretty hot in them.”


8. “I like the way you walk. Very feminine. It’s kind of hot.”

Here, you’re making a compliment on her attitude. And more precisely on her way of walking, mentioning that she is a feminine girl.

how to compliment a girls ass

In this way, you polarize the interaction.

You reinforce her femininity.

This is a great way to build sexual tension.

9. “You have beautiful buttocks.” Then you can add “Do you work out?” (this allows you to make such a compliment more easily and naturally).

Bold, but tremendously effective.

That’s a nice way to compliment a girl’s ass.

Related: How To Build Sexual Tension Over Text

compliment a girl picture nice ass

Again, as long as the girl sees you as a normal guy, you can afford to make such compliments.

If you know each other (in other words, if you’re not a complete stranger) and she agreed to meet you (again) on a date, you can afford to make such compliments.

It’s only in the case of the girl not knowing you that you could be seen as a pervert or creepy.


Let’s briefly sum up the compliments we just learned about:

  1. “You have beautiful legs.” Afterwards, you can add “Do you work out?” (if you don’t feel like making such a compliment on its own, following it up with this question allows you to more easily turn her on).
  2. “You have sensual lips.” / “I like your lips.”
  3. “You have a sensual neck.”
  4. “You’ve got lovely skin.” Then you can add “It makes me want to caress it.”
  5. “I like your shirt, I find it very sexy.”
  6. “I like your dress, you look pretty hot in it.”
  7. “I like your jeans, you look pretty hot in them.”
  8. “I like the way you walk. Very feminine. It’s kind of hot.”
  9. “You have beautiful buttocks.” Then you can add “Do you work out?” (this allows you to make such a compliment more easily and naturally).

Now, as you can guess, this list is not exhaustive.

The compliments you can make to a woman are limitless.

What I recommend you to do is to use the compliments above as a source of inspiration in order to create your own compliments.

It will allow you to make unique and tailored compliments based on the girl you’ll be interacting with.

how to compliment a lady shows such good taste

Remember that the most important thing is to deliver your compliment in a solid and dominant way.

That is to say by speaking relatively slowly, in an assertive tone (without going up in pitch at the end of your sentence), and by looking the girl deep in her eyes (at least during part of the compliment, as the other part might be told while looking at the body part you’re complimenting).

[MUST-READ] Be DOMINANT with Women: Know How to MASTER Them (In Everyday Life) to Make Them Fantasize About You

If you enjoyed this article (and even if you didn’t), you’ll love this other extensive post I recently published:

>> Be DOMINANT with Women: Know How to MASTER Them (In Everyday Life) to Make Them Fantasize About You

There’s something you need to understand:

Women want to be submissive.

They fantasize about sexual submission.

And when they meet a dominant man who has the potential to satisfy their submission fantasies, it makes them desire him intensely.

Sounds shocking or surprising to you?

Keep reading…

Today, you’re going to learn how to master women in a way that will turn them on.

You’re going to learn how to dominate women to make them wet with desire.

And NOT just in bed:

You’re going to implement this in other contexts and environments, be it after an approach, on a date, at a party, and more.

You’re going to implement this in your everyday life with the women you like so that they see you as a powerful dominant male who is able to satisfy their desires and take them to seventh heaven.

These actions you’re going to implement daily with the girls you want will lead them to see you as THE man to date.

You’ll stand out.

Women will see you as a potential lover and as a good lay (and that’s a bit of an understatement).

However, there are things you need to understand first.

You’ve got to be ready to try certain things that are a bit bold (more or less depending on the girl and the situation).

It's all there:

>> Be DOMINANT with Women: Know How to MASTER Them (In Everyday Life) to Make Them Fantasize About You

Stay solid,

About the Author

Expert in male-female relationships and passionate about evolutionary psychology, Jack Vitel has been helping for over 10 years men of all ages regain control of their sexual and love lives. He is known for his unique concept of solidity, which allows men to naturally attract the women they want by tapping into their inner masculine potential.